Our services

Killin IP provides patent and designs attorney services directly to businesses and individuals, as well as consultancy services to law firms and corporate legal departments. With our in-house expertise and extensive network of associates, we can offer a full range of services in relation to intellectual property rights (IPR) worldwide, including the following:

Patent services

  • invention spotting;
  • novelty searching and advising in relation to patentability;
  • drafting and prosecuting patent applications before national and regional patent offices;
  • renewal and maintenance of granted patents;
  • challenging and defending validity of granted patents before national courts and EPO Opposition Divisions and Appeal Boards;
  • advising on claim scope and validity in relation to third party granted patents and pending patent applications;
  • carrying out due diligence and freedom-to-operate clearances;  and
  • advising on commercial exploitation of patents and portfolio management strategies.

Designs services

  • preparation of representations of designs;
  • filing applications for registered designs in the UK or European Community or internationally;
  • renewal and maintenance of registered designs;
  • advice on the scope of registered designs or unregistered design rights.

General services

  • preparation of non-disclosure/confidentiality agreements;
  • advising on IPR agreements or IPR clauses in contracts;
  • registration of IPR assignments, including preparation of assignment documents; and
  • carrying out IPR audits and advising on portfolio managements strategies.

Further information about our services can be provided upon request; every business is different and our services can be tailored to meet your specific requirements.